I went to Utah to visit my family on vacation. Had a blast. My youngest was sick so she did not get to enjoy it as much, but my oldest child enjoyed her time there. Especially because it snowed, and we don't get snow in Sunny Cali, not unless we go up to the nearby mountains, which we only do on occasion. Fine by me, just means I don't have to shovel the driveway or the sidewalk. Also no brushing it off the cars, another big bonus, yay! The part of snow I actually hate.
Unfortunately for me, while I want to be young and still play, my body has decided it's too old for that. Giving me all sorts of muscle pains, it's been awesome! (no not really) Playing in the snow, I'm worn out after 30 minutes. But I endure out of love and seeing the huge smile on my daughters face is completely worth it.
So I finally finished editing Burning Roanoke. So now I just need to get a few people to read it for me and give me their thoughts and then of course edit again. YAY... writing is such a long process and I lack patience. Once that's all done, I think I might try to look for an agent to get it published. Which I know is not going to be a fun thing to go through. I hear it's a real nightmare. But if that fails I have no shame in self publishing. Sometimes that's how you have to get noticed. I'm cool with that. As long as I get rid of the mistakes so people don't make those comments (spelling sucks, grammar is horrible). I will definitely have to go through with a fine tooth comb before anything happens.
Honestly I'm just glad that I completed it. I feel like I've actually done something. So YAY ME! Now off to complete all the other many projects I've started.... :D Have fun everyone!