I don't like to write a blog post unless I really have something to write about. Which is why it doesn't happen very often. Though it's been a long while. There's been a lot going on and all of it could easily be shared with those who actually read my blog ( and I say this knowing full well that's like 10 people). But most of it is extremely personal and I'm still having a hard time with it.
Today, though, I bring you something that's been bugging me for a few weeks.
I've noticed a trend lately concerning gofundme.com. Before I start on what will probably end up being a rant. I will say this. Some people need the money. They end up in a circumstance they can't control. However, I was raised not to ask anyone for anything. You need money, you find a way to earn it.
So why are people using gofundme.com as a way to raise money for things they should obviously be saving up for? You want something, you give up another luxury to get it. Or you save a dollar a day, everyday until you have enough money to pay for what it is you want. Asking people to pay for your adoption is ridiculous. You want to adopt a kid, you need to save that money up your ownself. I don't care if you really want kids and are unable to have them. Do you honestly believe you are the only person out there who can't have children and are unable to afford adoption? Let me tell you, you aren't.
Maybe that makes me heartless, whatever. You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. I helped my husband get through undergrad and podiatry school. The only luxuries we had were cable, internet, Netflix and cellphones (which we didn't even get until we'd been married about 3 years and they weren't smart phones, we did not have a texting plan). It was basic and we made do. When we needed clothes for our newborn child, I went to outlet malls on holiday weekends and fought for all the clothes that were under $5.
Never once did I ask people for money. So we didn't go on fancy vacations. We didn't go to magical theme parks. We didn't go to plays or see musicals or go to the movies. I was out of work and my husband was in school.
We did get to go to the zoo often. Every Monday was free to residents of Cuyahoga county when we live in Cleveland. So on Monday's we went to the over crowded zoo and walked around and looked at the different animals.
We didn't go on dates, because a babysitter was a luxury that we couldn't afford. My husband worked hard and he got a job on top of going to school. So we afforded ourselves a bit more luxury and would go out to eat occasionally.
We didn't have gofundme.com and even if we had, I never would have used it to ask people to pay for luxuries.
I see it as a good way to help others, sure. You can set up an account to help a family who can't afford a funeral for their lost child. Or to help someone in need pay their medical bills. But don't ask me to pay for your education, IVF, adoption, date night, special gift, etc. Save up your own money. Forego your other luxuries if they're that important to you. This whole idea that society has where everyone should be paying for me is wrong.
I think part of the problem is the ideology that if we want something we should just ask for it. Yes, when you're a kid and you live at home with your mom and dad, that reigns true. Though a lot of the time, mom and dad will make you earn it. When you are no longer living at home and you are on your own. Well I'm sorry, that time is over. You want it? Earn it! We should be working for ourselves. Saving up our own money and not asking others for their money that they've been saving up. If you work hard, one day you'll be in a position where you won't have to sacrifice one luxury for another.
Heck, I'm not setting up a gofundme.com account to get people to fund my down payment on a house. Sure it'll take longer until we're in a position to buy a house, but I'd rather pay for it myself than beg others for money.
All that said, if I've offended any of you, well you're just too sensitive. ;)
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