Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why I'm currently not writing (or why I hate technology)

So first before we get to the topic I would like to say and point out.  DAY TWO and I'm writing a post.  Miraculous.  I never gave my personal blog this much attention.  It's feeling neglected, I tried deleting it, but it's still there.  Staring at me and making me feel guilty that I still haven't dropped by to say hello.  Does that mean I'm going to?  Probably not.  One blog to post in is enough.

Okay now onto why I'm blogging. Normally I would tell myself that no one really cares about my troubles.  But I've decided that I'm sharing this because well I want to know that I'm not alone.  So why am I not writing?  Well I'll tell you.  Because I'm a enormous blonde and I'm furious with myself.

I've written 11 chapters 30,000 words and they were all saved.  To my laptop.  The last time I logged into it was Saturday night, after the kids were all tucked into bed.  Everything was perfectly fine.  Then Monday morning, the screen wouldn't pop up.  I panicked.  If I could draw, I'd draw you a picture of how it went, but the artistic skills in my family skipped me and hit all three of my brothers instead.

I turned on the desktop and thought I'll outsmart you laptop!  You cannot beat me!  So I went through the network and nothing!  I couldn't find it anywhere.  I went through the husbands files, my files, the public files.  NADA!  Then I called the husband at work.

Now so you know.  The husband is in surgery half the time when I call.  Generally I text him to let him know the dramas I tend to get myself into.  Like the time that I accidentally downloaded a virus to the desk top, because a link popped up begging me to click on it, though unbeknownst to me at the time the internet had tricked me into believing my computer was unprotected from viruses and I needed an anti virus.  Warning: DO NOT BELIEVE THAT LINK!  Basically I killed the desktop that day.  Good thing the husband knows me well enough to put all the important information, like all our pictures, onto a back up hard drive.  It's pointless to say it's not the first time I've given the desk top a virus.  Hopefully it will be the last.  :D

Back on track.  So I call him at work and before he can ask me what I did this time, I make sure he knows that I am in no way at fault, because it was working perfectly fine on Saturday night.  The husband kindly informs me he'll have a look at it and see if he can fix it when he gets home.  Later that night when he gets home that night and it turns out the video card died.  So I'm laptopless and storyless.  I have the seven chapters I sent to my sister-in-law, but I really don't want to rewrite four chapters.

The solution to this is that the husband has bought a case for the laptop hard drive and hopefully it will be here tomorrow so I can get everything off.  If not, I'll be rewriting that.  In the meantime, I'll have to occupy my time in some other way*.

I'm terribly sorry that you have actually read all that.  So because I feel bad that you've had to listen to me and my horrible blondeness here is a youtube video I thought rocked! 

*You can see that I've spent that time looking at youtube

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